

  CIC Tidings Thursday, May 02, 2024 The new date for the Congregational Meeting and vote is Sunday, May 19, 2024. Changes to CIC’s Endowment Resolution require a vote of the congregation. An Information Session was held on 04/21/24 and a link to that recording was recently emailed. Packets of the edited document (approved by Session) have been emailed. A few copies in print form are on the table in the Narthex. PYF ENVELOPE FUNDRAISER Please consider supporting the youth as they raise funds for Montreat and other youth programming.    How does this work?  1. Pick an envelope off the wall. (Located in the main hallway at church, outside the fellowship hall)  2. Match your donation with the number marked on the envelope. For example,  if you pick envelope "20" you would place $20 inside the envelope. 3. Checks should be made out to “Community in Christ”, write PYF on the memo line. If you donate cash, please place a slip of paper inside the envelope with your name and address